Same cancer, new year
January was quite a month! Lots of changes afoot, especially living in Los Angeles. Nothing like some more unprecedented times to ring in a new year! I’ve been so grateful for all of my various wellness practices — read: nervous system support — like yoga and gentle movement, meditation, and somatic experiencing to help bolster a sense a stability through it all.
Cancer szn
Being six years into my cancer experience, I’m far enough in to understand that there’s no real end to the experience. It just keeps unfolding. I can’t help but notice an interesting pattern emerging: July is my busy season, cancer-wise, and also Cancer season in the (non-vedic) astrology world.
Steady as she goes
Cancer is funny because it brings a sense of urgency, and yet, there’s so much waiting. Time between scans, bloodwork, and check-in’s when other parts of life happen. Time between writing cancer blog updates.
Right now, things are relatively quiet cancer-wise for me.
Please appreciate my twin’s + my birthday cake from 2008 (fully not children). today’s update is both my thoughts about birthdays and an update on where things are at right now with my tumor (spoiler alert: it’s not growing).
Mutations, IVs, and tumor markers, oh my!
Happy 2024! Wild to be already nearly a month into the new year. Time truly flies.
Cancer FAQ
If you have questions, this is a great place to check for some info! Check out the timeline in another post for more timing info.
Full Cancer Timeline
If you like details, this is for you! This is the full timeline from day 1 in 2018 to present day, outlining the key pivot points in Julia’s cancer journey.
Cancer Update: Today’s My Birthday!
Today’s my birthday! Do something to treat yourself today.
Cancer Update #1: Welcome Back, Cancer
The beginning of the cancer update newsletter! January 4, 2023!